Сеть отелей Ринальди в Санкт-Петербурге: 8(812) 622-15-42, 8(495) 646-14-85, +7 (911) 270-28-56 fax


Discount of 15% when booking in day of arrival


Dear Guests, use a discount of 15% for accommodation in any hotel of Rinaldi when booking accommodation in day of arrival.
1/ action are valid only when booking accommodation by one of the next ways:
http://rinaldi.ru/online (surely specify the name of an action in comments)
Tel: +7 (812) 622-15-42, +7 (495) 646-14-85,  +7 (911) 270-28-56, +7 (911) 270-26-90
E-mail: oxana.rinaldi@yandex.ru (the application in any form with obligatory instructions full name of the guest, a contact phone number, the name of an action)
2/ it is possible to reserve accommodation at Rinaldi's networks on an action any category of number, any hotel of network of Rinaldi
3/ discount work only for the first night of accommodation

The number of rooms on an action is limited. Actions and discounts aren't summarized.